Allotment Association Work Party - 11 Feb. 2023

Sat, Feb 11th 2023 at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Epsom Rotary, Ewell Rotary and friends assisting the Allotment Working Party

Sat 11 Feb 2023 - Allotment Association Working Party

Members of Epsom Common Allotment Association, assisted by members of Epsom Rotary, Ewell Rotary and friends joined the allotment working party this weekend.  Much clearing up was done around the compost heaps, deciphering which ones were useable by plot holders and tidying up areas around.   Jane organised coffee and cake afterwards and mentioned that she has decided to assist with providing produce to the Pantry she would donate free packets of seeds to plot holders with a view to growing for the food bank.  The working parties are held every so often and help keep the Epsom Common Allotment in good order.  


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