2023 01 Sandra Manning-Jones

Environmental talk


The Arun & Rother Rivers Trust

Sandra Manning-Jones isTrust Manager of the A&RRT who visited us on 9th January to explain the work of the Trust.

As the name implies the work of the trust is to manage the two rivers, their catchment areas and all the minor streams that run into them. 

The main aims are to keep the water network free flowing and clean and as free as possible from pollutants all to encourage bio diversity along the rivers and banks.  With only 3 full time members of staff there is much reliance on volunteers and any time given is be much appreciated.

Funding for the trust is a difficulty as it received no government support, either local or national, so has to rely on donations. Again any help is most appreciated.

Management of flooding is another area requiring work.  This involves slight alterations to the course of rivers and creating flood planes where they cause no general harm.

The work required over the very large area covered by the two rivers is an impossible task so specific areas are dealt with on an immediate need basis.

From the talk it appears there is always the conflict between what is best for the environment  and what are the needs of the population. They seem to be rarely one and the same and, of course, funding for any work is not always available.

An extremely interesting talk which brought home the need to look after and preserve the natural world around us.

Rob Doney

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