2022 12 St Party

Midhurst St Party

Last night the town was bustling with families and friends....there was lots to see and there was as usual, a great atmosphere!  We had two stalls on the go.  In the end, Tim was unable to do his usual stint and whilst he was missed hugely, I can confirm that Julian, Ian, Peter, Mike, Robert and Adrian managed to control the Nerf guns and ensure it was a great success but Tim was sadly missed (wish him well with his arm)..  Next door, the card game was in full swing thanks to John B, John S and we had four new helpers this year....a huge thanks to Ken, Joyce, Lesley and Peter for their support.  Also a huge thanks to Paul, Brian, Richard and Andrew for their help in setting up and clearing away - also Martyn for sorting out floats and Julian and Rangesh for taking pictures.  A great team effort.

 I am delighted to let you know that the Nerf Gun game took £85 and the Card game took £82 so after paying for the prizes, the stalls made over £100 altogether.   It was all about ensuring that the children had a lovely time! 



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Card game

2022-23 News from M&P

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