2022 11 Skittles

Match v Horsham

Skittles match
Skittles match

Round 1, District Skittles Competition v Horsham RC – Tuesday 22nd November 2022.

Our team of 10 members assembled at The Black Horse PH, Findon to do battle against Horsham R.C in the District Skittles competition. Our team led after the first game but Horsham came back in the second game to lead by 1 pin. After a break for food we started the third round badly and could not make up the deficit and finally lost by 166 to 153 pins. Geoff Payne top scored for M&P over the three rounds with 25 pins.  We dusted ourselves off for the ‘killer’ charity game always held after the main event, and had some consolation in winning the game and so added  funds into the Club’s charity account. Good food and fellowship was enjoyed by all, and so we have to wait until next year for our next adventures into the District skittles competition.  

In the meantime we have a team entered into the District ten pin competition. We received a bye in the first round and have now been drawn against Storrington and Pulborough R.C in the second round which is likely to be played during the early part of January 2023, date to be confirmed so watch out for details towards the end of December.                                                                                                               

 Finally, a date for 2023 has yet to be agreed for the annual skittles match against our Inner Wheel Club for the ‘Chooks’ trophy.

John Sexton, Sports Officer.

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Skittles match

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