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2022 Remembrance Sunday

Sunday 13th November 2022

Remembrance Services Midhurst, Easebourne and Petworth


What a privilege it is to live in Midhurst and to witness the laying of wreaths in Midhurst, Easebourne and Petworth. The weather was kind – driving back from Petworth a huge sun sat over the downs and the trees glowed gold.  The attached pictures I hope give you a feeling of the day. Rotary President Julian Goodale and Inner Wheel  President Chris Barrett layed wreaths in Midhurst as did Rotarian Richard Hill in Easebourne. In the afternoon Julian layed a wreath in Petworth and took part in the parade through the town lead by the Petworth town band.

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Midhurst Remembrance

2022-23 News from M&P

back President Simon Flint hands over the Presidential regalia to Julian Goodale