Members collecting at the Poppy Appeal


Alongside members of Epsom RBL and volunteers, members of Epsom Rotary have of course stepped in to assist with the Poppy Appeals around the Borough. A number of collections were carried out at Sainsbury's Kiln Lane this year leading up to Remembrance Sunday.

Epsom Rotary will also be marshalling at the laying of the wreath. The Remembrance Parade has been a fixture in Ewell for a number of years organised by RBL and EEBC. Although it was suspended during COVID but has returned with a new route and the full support of 135 Geo Squadron. With the withdrawal of police marshalling support some years ago Epsom and Ewell Rotary Clubs now marshal, to enable the march to continue.

Wreaths will be laid at St Mary's War Memorial at 10.45 following by the Last Post and then followed at 11.15 by a Remembrance Service. 

The two presidents will also lay a wreath at the Ashley Road War memorial in Epsom

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