Free Portland News Entry

October 2022


Rotary Update

I have just returned home from the latest Table Top Sale in aid of St. John Ambulance.  From St. John’s point of view it was a great success and they made in excess of £200 to support them in their work of helping others.  If there is any organisation out there that might like to have a TT Sale for their organisation, please let Carolyn know.  She can be found at, and, if there is a vacancy, I am sure she will fit you in.  From my point of view, it was a lovely opportunity to meet so many old friends and to meet some new ones.  I have to say that there was a lot of fun and laughter going on – which is what it is all about.  Some Friends of Rotary gave up their time as well to help us, and their efforts were very much appreciated by us all.
I recently went to a big meeting for the Wessex Rotarians and one of the things that became obvious as I listened to members in some other clubs is that we are still often seen as a secret society (in spite of the badges and tabards that we wear to tell people who we are).  Sadly, some clubs do not communicate with their communities, nor their local papers, or they are not doing very much at the moment because of Covid or whatever, or else the local editor/editors is not or are not interested in publishing anything about Rotary.  I find this to be very sad as each club is community based and we are part of those communities, as well as serving in many of the communities overseas.   All this is my way of saying a very big Thank You to the Editors and staff of Free Portland News and the Echo who are always so supportive of what we are doing.  I think from memory I have only ever had one article or letter not published.  I try in these columns to keep members of the Community up to date and also to give a little bit of information on what we are doing, as well as adding some words of wisdom explaining what we are about.  If anyone is interesting in finding out more about Rotary, or on becoming a Friend of Rotary i.e. a Helper, please contact me - and I will do what I can to help you.
Let me return to Polio again if I may please.  Officially 24th. October is World Polio Plus Day – the day when we celebrate the fact that the number of cases of polio in the world has halved in the last two years, but the day which also reminds us that polio is only a plane-ride away.  Readers will be aware that the polio virus has re-surfaced in the London area, though, thanks to the high level of vaccination in this country we have what is called “herd immunity” which means that the chances of anyone actually catching polio are very small indeed.  But it also serves as a reminder that, until polio is eradicated from the world, our children need to keep up their immunisation. If they don’t, they can get paralysed for life, or die.   To this end, once again the staff of the Pavilion Theatre in Weymouth have arranged for the theatre to be illuminated in Rotary colours on that day and I would like to thank them all very much for their continued support.  While I am on the subject, why not go on-line and have a look at the programme on at the Pavilion during the next few months.  I am already booked in for the WOW Show in November and for the Panto at Christmas.  It is our theatre so please support them as they are supporting us.  You might even enjoy it!!
On 8th. December we will be supporting the ICA with drivers and helpers at a tea in the Masonic Hall for the housebound elderly who do not get the opportunity to get out very often.  If you know of someone who fits this category, please let me know and I will pass on the names to the organisers (e-mail address above –
And, finally, our last Table Top of the year will be on 12th. November in aid of Julia’s House.  Not only do those unfortunate children who attend Julia’s House need our help, but this will be your chance to get those last-minute cards of Knick knacks that you need for Christmas.  See you then?     

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