2022 RYLA

Report from RYLA candidate

President Julian Goodale with RYLA candidate George Chandler
President Julian Goodale with RYLA candidate George Chandler

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards  (RYLA)

This is an intensive leadership experience organised by Rotary clubs and districts where you develop your skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.

Midhurst & Petworth's candidate George Chandler gave an excellent and confident report on his weeks experience on the RYLA Course. Activities included kayaking, raft building, team building, a 10 mile walk up Box Hill and even arranging a Gala Dinner. A final presentation had to be made to an audience of over 100.

 George said that it was not as scary as expected. He certainly felt that the Course objectives of developing confidence, people skills and acting outside of one's comfort zones had been of great benefit to him.

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President Julian Goodale with RYLA candidate George Chandler

2022-23 News from M&P

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