District Governor Roger Stent addressed the Club on the 3rd October
Referring to the Rotary values of fellowship, integrity, diversity, leadership and service he related these to the life of service of Her Majesty. An illustration of how we should behave towards others.
We were congratulated on our website and how it is up to date and informative. Well done Helen.
RIBI are developing a new partnership with a small charity Bipolar UK - a condition increasingly affecting the under 35's possibly related to the use of cannabis and its increasing strength.
On Ukraine District have now sent 7 accommodation units (4 bed, cooking, washing facilities) more than any other District. Cost £10k each
District have also authorised the purchase of 2 manutomers - drone operated mine detection equipment for us in the Ukraine wheat fields which need to be planted in the next few weeks.
Andrew Gibson
back President Simon Flint hands over the Presidential regalia to Julian Goodale