Kendal and District Debt Centre

A presentation detailing the charity's works and aims.

The speaker at the meeting of Kendal Rotary Club on 12th September was Rev Jonny Gios who informed us about his new charity, Kendal and District Debt Centre. It was only started just over a year ago with its mission statement: ‘Their Vision - Passionate about seeing lives transformed, renewed, and set free from debt across South Lakes. In a just and compassionate society, no one should be trapped in their home, afraid to open the door or answer the phone. No one should wake up wondering where they’ll find the money to feed their children or heat their home. No one should have to be alone, especially when times are tough. We’d like to recognise other organisations that are supporting those in debt in the Kendal and District area such as Age UK, Citizen’s Advice and Kendal Food Bank’.

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