Jenny began by explaining how the Trust arose from the sad death of Charlie Waller from suicide in 1997. Since then the Trust, in his name, has been addressing mental health issues in young people. Jenny Langley also very openly told us of her involvement through the illness , Anorexia which suddenly afflicted her son and made him very ill, so that he was only 9% of his expected body weight and required hospital treatment. Fortunately he has made a complete recovery and leads a normal life.
Jenny explained their approach to managing such difficult conditions in young people as, Anorexia, Anxiety and self harm. She explained that the Trust interact with Teachers, parents and teenagers themselves to raise awareness of mental health issues in young people so that they can be discussed openly. In fact, school friends often may be the first people to realise that their friends are suffering and need help. Jenny also demonstrated two techniques used to explain Anxiety and its management using blue and red balloons- blue balloon for positive thoughts and red balloon for negative and harmful ideas. It was easy to see how helpful this could be in getting young people to understand their problems. She also talked about using animal metaphors in a similar way.
In summary, this was a very illuminating talk on a subject which most of us would have only a vague knowledge about. It might even have given us a point of contact if we ever face mental illness in our families or friends. The Trust is obviously doing a wonderful job in raising the subject of children's mental health in schools, and educating parents and teachers in how to approach this very difficult topic
Peter Davis
back President Simon Flint hands over the Presidential regalia to Julian Goodale