2022 08 MADhurst

Children and adults alike enjoy the Nerf game

MADhurst Street Party

 This afternoon, 27th August, our Rotary Club ran just one stall at the Midhurst summer street party, but Tim’s NERF guns were a great success as they usually are.  He had renewed and updated his stash of fun guns and had as good a time as the children (and parents) who had a go.  The stall took £104 and although the prizes must come out of the total, we still have over half left of what was purchased.

 A huge thanks to all the helpers today:

Paul M, Nigel, Julian, Andrew M, Michael B, John F, Rangesh, Rob Doney, Peter D, John M, John S and of course Tim whose enthusiasm always makes this go well.


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Rotary stand - blue

2022-23 News from M&P

back President Simon Flint hands over the Presidential regalia to Julian Goodale