2022 08 MADhurst

Fun day in Midhurst


This afternoon, 27th September, our Rotary Club ran just one stall at the Midhurst summer street party, but Tim’s NERF guns were a great success as they are usually are.  He had renewed and updated his stash of fun guns and had as good a time as the children (and parents) who had a go.  The stall took £104 and although the prizes must come out of the total, we still have over half left of what was purchased.

A huge thanks to all the helpers today:

Paul M, Nigel, Julian, Andrew M, Michael B, John F, Rangesh, Rob Doney, Peter D, John M, John S and of course Tim whose enthusiasm always makes this go well.

Hazel Morley

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Having fun [provided by Rotary

2022 08 Ukraine Picnic in the park

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