Mathieson, gave Rotarians an overview of the organisation for the benefit of new members. Rotary represents a large body of people internationally, with 1.2 million Rotarians, spread over over 200 countries. Rotary is non-religious, non-sectarian, and non-sexist.
The welcoming of lady members has much-improved Rotary, leading to renewed enthusiasm, new ideas and a bigger range of social events. This has
certainly been the situation for Prestwick Rotary Club. Bill went on to mention the many projects which Prestwick Rotary Club has been involved with over the years, locally and internationally.
Rotarian Richie Cameron thanked Bill, on behalf of the Club, for his informative talk, and expressed our gratitude to him, for doing such sterling work, as Prestwick Rotary Club Secretary, over many years. Rotary is personally satisfying, of community benefit, and fun. Let's keep it that way !