2022 08 IW visit to Ford recycling plant

IW arranged a visit to Ford recycling plant

Visit to Ford recycling unit
Visit to Ford recycling unit

Monday 22 August 2022 - Ford Recycling unit

Inner Wheel President Chris Barrett organised a visit to the Ford recycling unit and I was lucky enough to be invited .  After a talk in the education centre we donned our protective gear and went in to the actual recycling area. This was quite an eye opener - I certainly learned about things I was doing wrong - eg yoghurt pots should not be stacked inside each other but left separate - pill blister packs must go in separately from the box and the instruction leaflet must also be put in the bin separately.

After our visit most of us visited the Ford Prison cafe - Serving Thyme -good value and good food.

Thankyou IW.

Helen Chapman

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Visit to Ford recycling unit

2022-23 News from M&P

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