Party at the Allotment

Sat, Aug 20th 2022 at 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Celebration at the Allotment after much rewarded work


Allotment Party  -  20 August 2022

Fantastic celebration at the allotment today with guests from both the Rotary Club of Ewell and Epsom Rotary and friends .  Everyone brought a plate of food for sharing and we were able to flaunt the wonderful produce and arrangements regarding the joint Allotment Project.    

We are growing a variety of products at the moment from celerac, spinach, chard, tomatoes, runner beans, french beans, a variety of marrows, peppers, herbs, strawberries, raspberries, marrows, lettuces just to name a few and currently foods are being provided on a weekly basis to Epsom Pantry in South Street.  We went even greener last week as Jane one of the allotment holders cycled down to the Pantry with produce also donated by other plot holders on a trailer behind the bike.    

To keep everything looking good and growing well takes a dedicated team, who meet every Saturday and on Wednesdays and attending each evening to water and we are grateful to everyone who say they do it because they very much enjoy being there.  It is indeed a very pleasant environment, quiet yet purposeful.  

The team at the allotment always welcome visitors and of course anyone wishing to help.        

Maggie RowellContact Maggie Rowell about this page:

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