Work At the Old Moat

Monthly Rotary at Work Session


ROTARY AT WORK -The Old Moat Garden Centre - Horton Lane Epsom KT19 8PG


The Epsom Rotary Team carried out a monthly work party at The Old Moat Garden Centre mowing grass and providing a general tidy up of the walled garden area. The mowers were Clive and Julie with assistance from a friend of Rotary, and other helpers at this session were Anne and Maria.  Although the grass is not green at the moment it was left looking rather tidy and welcomes all visitors of The Old Moat. See if you can now locate a further bench - the space has been cleared again making this more usuable. 

Coffee was enjoyed after and a social at the Garden Centre cafe.  Our next garden session will be on 03 September 2022 and we welcome anyone who wishes to come along to help or to ask about Rotary.

The Garden Centre is looking rather lovely at the moment and all volunteers supervised by the Richmond Fellowship make you feel welcome.  Prices are below the average and there are an array ot items to purchase as well as plants of all types.        

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