Free Portland News

July 2022 by Keith


Come and talk
Are you lonely?
Do you need someone to talk to?
Would you like to meet someone who feels the same?
No, this is not a dating proposal, but we now have a new Chat Bench in Victoria Gardens.
The idea is that, if you want to talk to someone then you simply sit on the bench and wait until someone comes along and starts talking to you.
Rotary clubs around the country are now getting together with the chat bench organisation and, with the help of local Councils, are siting the benches in suitable spots in towns and villages
Portland is no exception and two weeks ago the new bench by the bowling green in Victoria Gardens was inaugurated.
The mayor of Portland, Councillor Peter Roper graced the event with his presence on behalf of the local Council, the new President of the Rotary Club of the Island and Royal Manor of Portland, Dr. Mark Townsend expressed his thanks to all concerned and Carrie Dalby, representing The Friends of Victoria Gardens who do so much to keep the area looking beautiful added her welcome and thanks.  A lovely short ceremony, but an event that could have a marked effect on many lives.
Why not give it a try when you feel a trifle down??

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