Prestwick RotaKids

Trophy Presentation

On Tuesday Edith Sterrick from Prestwick Rotary presented the special Trophy for 2020/21 to Angus the Rotakids President of Symington Primary School at their School Assembly. (Picture 1)

This is the 4th time these wonderful talented children at Symington School have won this trophy ..which has only been going for 7 years, so 4 out of 7 is a superb achievement. Edith quoted that she is very proud of these lovely young Rotakids from Symington.

Picture 2 shows Edith being given the Rotary District 1230 Rotakids Trophy at the Handover Lunch on Sunday.

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Trophy Presentation

Vocational Activities

back Topics covered are Young Musician of the Year, Sport, Rotakid, Euroscola, Primary School Quiz, RYLA, Outside visits, Barbeque, Fund Raising