Keen local historian Alasdair Malcolm gave us the benefit of his immense knowledge of Prestwick and district, in the form of an illustrated talk showing how Prestwick has changed over the years.
He combined two pictures together to show views of the town, now and in the past. Some roads and houses have hardly changed at all, but other areas have seen considerable development. Trams came to Prestwick in 1901 and were taken out of service in 1931. The railway came in the 1840's. The popularity of the town as a holiday, or day out resort, has remained constant over many years.
Alasdair only showed a fraction of his collection of pictures, and he will definitely be invited back to present part 2 of the Prestwick story.
Rotarian Adnan Soojeri offered Alasdair a well-deserved vote of thanks, for keeping local history alive, with an excellent, informative presentation.
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Weekly Meetings
This section details the weekly talks at the club and have ranged widely from mindfulness to charity work, health, model making, favourite objects, music and gardening.