The Christmas Tree Festival and Carol Concert was held in All Saint's Church Westbury.
The days were from Friday 2nd December until Monday 5th December.
The Rotary sponsored Christmas Carol Concert was on 5th December.
Bitham Brook and Matravers schools sang “lustily” as described by Rotarian Mervyn Harris who led the carols in his own inimitable style. There was also a recital by violinists from Matravers and a lovely solo rendition of “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” by Ellie. The organist played the accompaniment to the carols beautifully.
Rotary decorated a Christmas Tree in the Church and the culmination of the festival was the Carol Concert featuring local school choirs singing a selection of Christmas carols and songs.
There were 38 Christmas trees, all decorated by local clubs and organisations. The whole event was organised by the Revd. Rebecca Harris and her wonderful team, assisted in some part by a few Rotarians who helped steward the whole event
It is an event well supported by the local population with standing room only!
Refreshments in the way of tea/coffee, mince pied and sausage rolls were on offer and served by willing volunteers from Rotary
There was a visit from a brightly berobed and bearded gentleman, bags of sweets were handed out to all the children that were brave enough to approach him!