2022 07 Super Sleuths

Link with Easebourne Primary School Pupils


Back in January2021 Midhurst & Petworth Rotary Club were approached by Easebourne Primary school to see if any of our members would be interested in taking part in an initiative linking school children, Super Sleuths, to individual Rotarians. The idea was for the pupils to email Rotarians asking for details about their lives so the pupils could end up writing a biography of their contact.

The initiative was very successful so we repeated the exercise again this year but  this time included children from both years 5 and 6 connecting with 15 mystery people,.

The aim was to:

·        Build confidence with the use of e-mails through a meaningful task

·        Engage courteously with an adult

·        Ask pertinent questions, following lines of enquiry

·        Maintain a focus over a sustained period of time

·        Build a polite rapport, exchanging pleasantries, views and some information

·        Meet deadlines

·        Demonstrate self-motivation, completing the majority of the project from home

·        Remain aware of e-safety throughout

·        Produce a well-structured biography

Last week both correspondents and Sleuths met at Easebourne Primary where we all enjoyed a tea party and the Sleuths revealed their findings.

Rotarians have thoroughly enjoyed working with Headmaster Johnny Cullie and presented him with a certificate of  appreciation and wished him well in his retirement. We look forward to interacting with the incoming Head, Caroline Hulbert..

Helen Chapman

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