2022 06 Primary Schools Debate


The Rother Valley Primary Schools Debating Competition 30th June 2022

This great event returned to the Hall of the Midhurst Rother College (MRC) with six debates between pairs of the twelve schools involved. The format is a classic arrangement of three pupils of one school proposing the motion; the second school team of three opposes the motion.

Prior to each debate a vote is taken of the audiences’ view; immediately after, it is repeated – have the debaters influenced the audience? (The vote excludes audience members of the two participating schools).

Questions from the audience to the two teams are the final part of the process. All aspects of the performance are included in the marks awarded by the team of adjudicators. (2 Rotarians, 1 Midhurst Lion, I Councillor and year 10 pupils from MRC).

It is always an exhilarating three hours – the debaters are 10 to 11 years old; all have diligently prepared with teacher support; some are unbelievably confident and expert; others read their notes – but they all do incredibly well.

Finally, the results from each debate are given with short feedback from one of the adjudicators. President Simon then congratulated all the participants before presenting the Cup to the winners Easebourne, who together with the runners-up Camelsdale then received their certificates.

N.B. When at short notice two school were unable to participle Easebourne produced Easebourne II & Easebourne III – they were even younger and did very well. Even more remarkable: when another school thought it was a Zoom competition, and we were unable at no notice to include them – three volunteers from 3 different schools volunteered with zero preparation to propose a motion – Real Stars!! How many of us would do this even today?

John Fitch

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Winners of the debate from Easebourne Primary

2021-22 News from M&P

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