July - The Allotment bears fruit

After just over a year our shared allotment with Ewell Rotary and with support from SCC has given produce to The Pantry

We have just donated a huge range of vegetables to "The Pantry" in Epsom


Your Local Pantry


SURREY EPSOM PANTRY - Supplying Fresh Produce from the Allotment


Surrey Epsom Pantry a charity that has just opened a new shop at 24 South Street Epsom KT18 7PF and for a weekly subscription of £5.00 members of Epsom and surroundings areas will be able to purchase weekly a food shop including fresh fruit and vegetables.  The Pantry Shop in Epsom has limited opening hours at the moment.

In support of supplying fresh foods the Allotment Group to include Members of Ewell Rotary and members of Epsom Rotary and friends were able to reap a good crop of produce being their first donation to supply a foodbank since the allotment project began and it brought much joy to all those who have worked at the Epsom Common Allotment site in being able to achieve this milestone. The items donated today included lettuce, garlic, onions, potatoes, radishes, mint, bay leaves, rosemary, broad beans, spinach, chard and young mixed leaf lettuce.

We shall of course have more to donate shortly as due to the mild weather, everything is growing beautifully this year!

Maggie RowellContact Maggie Rowell about this page:

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At The Pantry

July 2022 - June 2023

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