Rotary held their annual Young Chef competition at Daventry Hill School on Friday 9th June. Steve and Nigel were judges, along with Lawrence from Amazon and Noel - a previous winner of Young Chef at the school. As always, we were made very welcome by Stacey, Danni and their teams.
There were four chefs and they provided us with a wonderful selection of buffet
and canape food. The savouries included mini pizzas and quiches, lamb kofta,
mac and cheese, home-made houmous and ham & cheese toasties. This was
followed by baked apple roses, Bischoff tiffin, vegan chocolate truffles and
strawberry cheesecake. The students were judged on planning, preparation,
cooking, presentation; and of course the tasting.
The judges had a really difficult time deciding but eventually - 1st prize went
to Patrick, 2nd to Harley and Kayode and Sarah equal 3rd.
more Finally we have got back into a school after Lockdown and run the first Young Chef competition for 2 years.
more A Cookery Competition for the local Senior Schools.
more The Annual Schools Master Chef Competition
more Local heat of the District competition to find the best young cook in our local secondary schools
back The Rotary Club of Danetre Daventry is proud to focus on the Youth of Daventry this page shows the range of events we have arranged.