Let Us Entertain You - Gig4Life

Fri, Sep 23rd 2022 at 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

A Fantastic night raising funds for local Cancer Charities at The Atkinson, Southport

‘Musicians Using The Beat To Beat Cancer’

Karl Terry and The Cruisers head up this night of rock fun for all at The Atkinson.

Supported by No Name Band, The JKH Band, Connected Voices Rock Choir, Off Our Rockers and compered by Mighty FM's Christopher John Strefford.

Tickets available from club members or from the Atkinson Box Office at https://www.theatkinson.co.uk/events/let-us-entertain-you/

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Fund Raising

back Our Fund Raising committee is probably the most important committee in the club - if we don't raise the money we can't help any good causes out when they need it.