Dragon Draw Winners!

Check if your number is up and contact us to claim your prize!

At the conclusion of the Dragon Boat Challenge the Grand Dragon Draw was drawn at the Bandstand alongside Basin 2 Chatham Maritime.

Some magnificant prizes were donated by companies and individuals and we would like to thank each and every one of them for their support.  A fantastic amount was raised from the sale of tickets by Rotary members, the Dragon Boat teams and of course the public on race day itself and this will all allow Medway Sunlight Rotary to support many great causes in the community in the year ahead.

So thank you all for buying your tickets - is your number on the list?  If so please email dragonboat@medwaysunlightrotary.org.uk and we will make arrangements to deliver your prize to you.

Click to open the list:


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Dragon Boat Challenge 2022

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