2022 05 Blacksmith Nigel

Visit to Ypres

Blacksmith Nigel
Blacksmith Nigel


Rotarians, Inner Wheel Members and friends were treated to a presentation by PP Nigel Goodenough about just one of his retirement pastimes. After his time as a Patent Attorney Nigel visited the Weald and Downland Museum to see where he could help - he ended up as an apprentice smithy. Of course his friendly persona is just wha's wanted when working in an old smithy open to the public. In 2016 Nigel was invited to an International Blacksmithing Event taking place in Ypres where a Peace Memorial was to be forged. Each forge had submitted designs for their addition to the Memorial. Nigel handed round two lovely poppies he had created and his presentation showed the forging of all these creations which made up the memorial.


2022 05 Blacksmith Nigel pages:

First place Alan Austin

2022 Rob Doney Golf Shield

more Annual Golf Competition

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Blacksmith Nigel

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