Free Portland News Entries

June 2022 by Keith

A Rotary Year ends

Last month I told you that the Rotary calendar was quiet.  That has changed dramatically as we move towards the end of the Rotary year.  And what a year it has been - our emergence from the shackles of Covid is just about complete, and attendance at our meetings is improving rapidly at long, long last.
President Celia Canter has had a great year and has steered us through the vicissitudes of a pandemic and into open waters.  We will miss her steady hand on the tiller – but there is nothing to stop her becoming President again in the future should she so wish, as, indeed has our new President on 1st July, Mark Townsend who was President a few years ago.
Rotary, as you probably all realise by now is non-sectarian, non-political etc., though that does not mean that individual Rotarians do not have views on any particular subject.  However, over the years we have had close links with, and tremendous support from, the Town Council, Councillors, and Mayors of Portland.  I am delighted to say that we have felt that the time has come to make the Mayor of Portland an Honorary Rotarian during his or her year in office.  This was the unanimous wish of the members and so our out-going President Celia presented a Certificate of Honorary Membership to the new Mayor at a short ceremony at the end of last month, and the Mayor responded with a fascinating, informative, interesting resume of the history of the Town Council and a clear description of where we are going in the future.  A most enjoyable evening for all concerned and we look forward to further cooperation in years to come.  Hopefully this certificate will be hung up in the Council offices for all to see.
But there are others who we should recognise as well, and so now is the time for you to nominate your Community Champion for 2021-2022.  This award is for that person who goes that little bit further, does that little bit extra, often unheralded, to help those individuals or groups in need in the Community.  Nominations, with details and reasons please are now needed and should be sent to Community Award. 4 Briar Close, Weymouth, Dorset DT4 0EP or Email . The closing date is officially the end of June, but F.P.N. does not come out until almost the end of the month so a very little leeway will be granted.  So the message is, get your nominations in NOW please. 
Advance notice as well for a regular event - the next Table Top Sale will be on 9th.  July in aid of Prostate Cancer.  As always our thanks are due for those who supported the last sale earlier this month which was in aid of the Leg Club.  It also was a good day.
And yet another advance notice – but for something completely different. So - calling all dog owners and handlers.  We need you please.  The Rotary Club is going to hold a Fun Dog Show on Sunday 21st. August at Southwell Business Park from 11a.m. to 4 p.m.. A leaflet will be included in F.P.N. (I hope), but look out for more details as they become available.  Hopefully this will be the first in a long series of dog shows.  I do not have details at present but this is not a Crufts type Show, and I understand that, for example, there will be a class for Rescue Dogs.  The aim is fun for all because, as well as dogs, there will be a wide variety of stalls on show.  Whether this will be a success depends entirely on you – our readers,  If you do not have a dog yourself, tell your friends who do own a pooch to come along, (with poo bags in hand of course) and let’s have a fun day.  We have been assured that the weather is going to be perfect on that day so see you then?

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