2022 05 Rotary Young Writer

Winner through to District Comp

Local Rotary Young Writer Success

Every year about this time local schools take part in many Rotary Youth competitions including Young Chef, Young Photographer and more recently Rotary Young Writer.

The youngsters are given a theme, this year it was “The Environment” and they are asked to write an A4 page on the subject, choosing to write fiction or non-fiction, a story or a poem. This year we had many entries from numerous local schools but the most outstanding entry was from Phoebe Gamblen a 5th year student at Easebourne Primary School.

Phoebe’s story was called “Lottie’s Ocean” and not only did she come first in the Midhurst & Petworth Junior competition but also went on to be the outright winner of Rotary District 1145 competition, covering schools in Sussex, Surrey and outer London!!

“Lotties Ocean” is all about an 86-year-old who wanted to save the ocean as it was dirty, slimy and full of rubbish. She had a dream that she was a famous granny who travelled the world in a tiny rowboat, with her lifelong friend Mary and her sail was a sheet she painted with the words SAVE THE PLANET & STOP LITTERING!!!

Lottie said “Everyone is responsible to save the planet, including teenagers leaving litter after parties in the woods and parks, dog walkers not throwing poop bags in the bins, others using too much plastic and not recycling.  I’m going to be famous, I want to make my mum proud and make the world a better place for my grandchildren and great grandchildren”.

The Judges were impressed that a 9 year could see that all ages, even the older generation were concerned about the environment. We went to Easebourne Primary  and President Simon Flint presented  Phoebe with certificates from both Midhurst & Petworth Rotary Club and Rotary District 1145, together with her prizes, book tokens and a lovely trophy that Phoebe gets to keep.

Thank you to all the youngsters that entered the Rotary Young Writer this year and good luck to Phoebe Gamblen who now moves “Lotties Ocean” through to the National Young Writer Final!!!


John Barrett

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