2022 05 Environment

Our Environment

Environmental talk
Environmental talk

                                                        Rotary Talk Report 9 May 2022

                                            Talk arranged by the Environment Committee

On 9 May 2022 we played a pre-recorded talk by Gloria Barnett – The Weird Fish Lady from Canterbury Sunrise Rotary Club. This was entitled entitled ‘What Do We Do Now’.  Gloria is an author and environmentalist and believes that Rotarians worldwide have a strong role to play in the future of our planet.  She told us that our oceans are by far our largest ‘carbon sink’ on Earth – approx. 80%.  Too much CO2 now being produced is making our oceans acidic which is killing life therein. 

Gloria discussed Mangrove forests which Rotary International is now supporting.  She advised keeping an eye on ‘Overshoot Day’ which marks the day in the year when human’s demands exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year, to assess how we are doing environmentally.

Further discussion was on what we as individuals and we as Rotarians might do.

The presentation finished with 2 questions to ask ourselves about what to do about environmental actions:

"If not you,who?"

 "If not now, when?"

Your environmental Committee next year needs each Rotarian to let them know their thoughts on the subject so that they can represent the Club’s wishes.       Over to you….

Andrew Mitchell

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