On 12 March 2022 we held a Gala Dinner at Croham Hurst Golf Club to celebrate our centenary year. Club members, their partners, and guests, including the Mayor and Mayoress of Croydon, attended.
Fourteen of the club’s Past Presidents are pictured here.
Left to right they are:
Richard Ford (2010), Richard Wragg (2011), Don Good (1994), Stephen Kirkman (2015), Loraine Davis (2018), Joe Trickey (PP Thornton Heath RC), Ken Clay (2002), Edward Handley (1985 & 1996), Patricia Painting (2020), Michael John (1990), Peter Spalding (2017), Roger Davis (2009), Barbara Harker (2014), and Graham Harker 2007).
Here's looking forward to many more years of club service to the local and international communities.
Our next celebratory event will be the Centenary Charity Golf Day on Wednesday 18 May 2022 at Croham Hurst Golf Club (see top of website home page for details).