Crisis in Ukraine - Moldova Manoeuvres

We help fund the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's convoy with Aid to Moldova

Moldova Manoeuvres

We have previously donated in support of RC Billericay Mayflower’s Past President Barry Howe’s aid trips and fundraising activities to help Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe.  On March 3 Barry asked us to help Ukrainian refugees in Moldova.

“Please could you forward the following to your club members.  ... (I propose to) drive out to Moldova on 24th March, with UK volunteer based charity TEECH, taking much needed aid for displaced Ukranians.  TEECH need £5000 to organise an additional lorry so if you wish to donate to this appeal, … please do so without delay.” (All TEECH people are unpaid, what a commitment!)

We met on Monday March 7 and agreed to provide £500 that day to support this endeavour.

What happened?

Barry’s plea for help not only brought in our £500 but the requested £5,000 was far exceeded with a total of over £8,000!  The word spread, and soon over £20,000 had been collected and piles of Aid started arriving.  
The two trucks grew into a convoy of five artics, an 18 ton lorry, a Mercedes’ sprinter van and trailer, and two other cars. 

The Charity “Rayleigh Megacentre” became involved, not fundraising, but in an independent call for aid, and TEECH supplied the vehicle to carry it.  Another vehicle was full of UK AID donations.  Aid came from everywhere. 

The convoy, loaded to the gills, was replete with most needed items such as toys, nappies, bedclothes, 50 air mattresses and two pumps organised by our Secretary Brian Wellman, and our President-Elect Michael Ginn arranged provision of 12 Aquabox water filters.  In addition, there was children’s food, etc. and lots of tinned and dried foods.

Four Day Journey

The convoy set out from TEECH’s base in Colchester on Thursday for Harwich and Stena Ferries, and arrived in Moldova on Sunday where local helpers were waiting for them.  Stena gave them free passage (well done Stena!).  Return is booked on P&O Ferries!!?

The convoy was quite a sight as it traversed Europe.

To Those in Need

On arrival and clearing Customs in Moldova, some of the trucks were unloaded into a warehouse in Balti, while local helpers started distributing the aid from the other vehicles. 

On Tuesday, Barry Howe visited a camp at Singerei, a truck had been unloaded into small vans so the aid could reach the camp by road.  He spoke to some Ukrainian ladies who had lost loved ones in the war.   Very emotional!! 

The following day, he took a truck to Gradinita (where our club and other Rotary clubs led by Mayflower had funded toilets last year) to distribute its contents at a camp there.

What an Appeal!  What a response!  Well done Barry and all who helped.

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Trick Convoy on Route

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