Crisis in Ukraine - Flame Burning Brighter

Club Member Margaret Fowler (Associate Priest based at Christ Church, Billericay) organised a service to raise money for Ukraine at St Mary Magdalen, Billericay High Street.

People Are So Generous

Club Member Margaret Fowler organised a service in March 2022 to raise money for Ukraine at St Mary Magdalen, Billericay High Street. 

Details of the service were sent out to all the town’s church leaders and were also posted on social media. Pauline Randall, a licensed Lay Minister, contacted people from different denominations to help out during the service and to welcome attendees.

One response, from Bennetts Funeral Directors, offered to provide the refreshments and also sent along two staff to serve tea and coffee. An amazing response; so kind. It allowed us to free up time to chat to people after the service.

Margaret reports “I had asked Liz Slater from Christ Church if she would play the keyboard for the sung worship. This soon developed into a music group with guitar, flute and a singer. Liz later commented that the group were hindered playing together, not least with the sound system. She felt the enemy was trying to stop it, but the tactic did not work, and it was wonderful."

“A lovely touch by Peter Brierley from the United Reformed Church who made Ukrainian flag lapel badges for everyone. Evidence of the willingness of people to show support for Ukraine in a public way.”

Lisa Come Lately

As peviously reported, during the preceding week, items for orphaned children coming out of Ukraine, were being collected at Christ Church at the request of Margaret’s Ukrainian friend, Lisa Mazura who had agreed to speak at the service.  Lisa lives in London and Margaret had to make a quick adjustment to the service order to allow Lisa to speak at the end rather than the beginning, because Lisa took a wrong turning and arrived too late to speak first.

Margaret said: “We began by lighting a candle for peace, and later on the congregation was invited to light their own candle and say their own prayers. Lisa told us she had never spoken publicly to more than three people before, then spoke eloquently on the history of the relationship between Russia and Ukraine and appealed for our continued prayers and support. She closed by reading from Psalm 23, her favourite scripture in time of worry or trouble.”

So Much Generosity

Lisa explained that the fuel cost for one lorry to travel to Ukraine was in the region of £450.  “Her speech certainly resonated with everyone,” added Margaret. “The people at the service and afterwards generously donated to the cause.  “On counting the donations when Lisa got home, they came to a huge total of £865. She described it “as a miracle”.  In addition, £160 was donated for the Disasters Emergency Committee, to be doubled by the UK Government to total £320. People are so generous.”

“My grateful thanks to all those involved in this service and to those who gave so generously. It was so warmly welcomed and gave comfort to many who said they had been feeling helpless and anxious.”
The service concluded with their final worship song was ‘Let the Flame Burn Brighter’

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