2202 03 Hearing Loss

Meeting over Zoom

                28 March 2022 - Meeting over Zoom - Speaker Monique Hammond

On Monday 28th March, M&P Rotarians, partners and Inner Wheel Members were able to hear an excellent talk by Monique Hammond over Zoom. Monique was assisted by her husband Ross with the presentation.

Monique Hammond is a former Rotarian and trained pharmacist. When she suddenly lost her hearing in one ear, after attending a loud rock band it became a life-changer. She researched the issue for five years and wrote a book titled “What Did You Say? An Unexpected Journey into the World of Hearing Loss”.

 Her talk highlighted the fact that hearing loss is much more common than we think and is increasing exponentially all over the world. Noise is an important reason for hearing loss and differs from other causes because we can do something about it. Nowadays, doctors and audiologists are seeing more cases of hearing loss brought on by noise exposure and the unfortunately reality is that it can affect even young people.

Monique also explained that human speech is generally focussed in the higher frequencies and both ageing and noise damage cells required for hearing such sounds. This is a key reason why people with hearing loss find it difficult to understand speech. The solution is to reduce exposure to noise and thereby prevent or decrease the chances losing our hearing.

Julian chaired the meeting and Rangesh proposed the vote of thanks and presented the certificate of appreciation.

Rangesh Nallan

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Presentation by Monique Hammond

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