BEEP Doctors

BEEP Doctors are a charity, similar to the Cumbria and the NW Air Ambulance services.

Dr Chris Moss
Dr Chris Moss

The speaker at Kendal Rotary on 21st March was Dr Chris Moss of BEEP Doctors. Their team covers the whole of our county and are a specialist back-up for the NW Ambulance Service, allowing major medical procedures to be carried out at the site of serious incidents.

BEEP Doctors are a charity, similar to the Cumbria and the NW Air Ambulance services, but they are land based, working in all conditions, 24/7, often being called to difficult to reach locations.

Their latest “kit” is a portable, state-of-the-art monitoring pack for their on-call team: each pack costs £15,000 and is proving invaluable in their life saving work. Chris described some of the types of incidents the team deals with: the effects and aftermath of Storm Arwen being a recent example.

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Dr Chris Moss

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