2022 03 Covid Vaccinations

2022 03 Simon Flint continues to organise volunteers for Covid vaccination sessions

A few of the volunteers
A few of the volunteers

Covid drifts on and the world lurches into a new crisis. However, before we forget the last two years, it is worth acknowledging international, national, and local achievements. Firstly, there was the NHS battling with a pandemic for which there was no immediate answer. Secondly there was the fight back when communities mobilised to support the vaccination campaign.

Midhurst was privileged to have two great initiatives and between the two centres over 100,000 vaccinations were provided. Riverbank Medical Centre started in January 2021. It achieved over 32,000 vaccinations with the support of over 100 volunteers.

The Volunteers were headed by the Rotary and Inner Wheel Clubs and received huge support from the Tennis, Cricket and Rugby clubs aided by a South Harting contingent. The best recruiting tool was word of mouth.

Volunteers gathered on Wednesday to celebrate a year of vaccinations. Dr Tim Hill said “this was a team effort with volunteers and staff creating a community response.” For Tim and his team the show goes on with over 75s and immunosuppressed patients being invited back for a booster. In addition, young ones aged between 5 to 11 are to be vaccinated.

As Riverbank Medical Centre gears itself for this next phase so the Volunteers are once again to be asked to help at a major clinic to be planned in April.

Rotary President Simon Flint and volunteer co-ordinator said “we are looking forward to once again helping out. After a year it is the least we can do to help a wonderful professional team.”


Photo from left to right: Fiona Carter, Clive Blott, Shirley Blott, Simon Flint, Dr Tim Hill, Kath Miles (Practice Manager), Peter Davis, Christina Scullion, Nico Dekker

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A few of the volunteers

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