Environment and Biodiversity around Kendal

Cllr Giles Archibald of Kendal Town Council gave a talk on his role on the Council with regard to Environment and Biodiversity.

Cllr Giles Archibald
Cllr Giles Archibald

The speaker at the meeting of Kendal Rotary on 7th February was Cllr Giles Archibald of Kendal Town Council who gave a talk on his role on the Council with regard to Environment and Biodiversity.

The current rate of the loss of species has risen dramatically over the last few years and steps need to be taken to halt this decline, not only nationally but even down to a local level. Every new development must now include a net gain on biodiversity and the Council is promoting various initiatives.

Planting more trees, less cutting of grass verges to encourage wild flowers, creating biodiversity areas in conjunction with the Environment Agency’s flood relief scheme and similar initiatives.

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Cllr Giles Archibald

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