Rotary Foundation Newsletters

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Rotary Foundation News – June 2024

This month focuses on Rotary Convention 2024, Making a Difference with Rotary Grants, Promote The Rotary Foundation in your Community ... and much more.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – May 2024

This month focuses on 2023 In Review - The Rotary Foundation, Donations to The Rotary Foundation, Understanding Rotary Grants ... and much more.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – April 2024

This month focuses on Latest Polio News, Donations to The Rotary Foundation, The Learning Centre for Foundation ... and so much more.

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Rotary Foundation News – March 2024

This month focuses on Polio Mapping goes High-Tech, Promoting your Rotary Foundation Grant, Closing in on Zero, Newcastle - Power of Rotary and Rotary Action Summit.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – February 2024

This month focuses on Rotary International Peace Conference, New Peace Centre in Turkey, Cleaning up our Rivers, Polio Plus Society, World Fund and the Power of Endowment, Planning a Global Grant, Rotary Learning Centre and Vacancy: Rotary Foundation UK Trustee.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – January 2024

This month focuses on Rotary International Peace Conference, Global Grant Story - Jaipur Limb Project, Global Program of Scale Grant - Cervical Cancer, Rotary Scholarship Story, End Polio Now, Rotary Magazine - Sir Nicholas Winton ... and more.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – December 2023

This month focuses on Rotary at COP28 UAE, Imagine Rotary 2022-23, Polio Plus Society, Drive away the car of your dreams and support The Rotary Foundation, Rotary International Presidential Peace Conference ... and more.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – November 2023

This month focuses on Message to the Rotary Community on the Middle East conflict, November is Foundation Month, Pens against Polio, Rotary International Peace Conference, Rotary Foundation receives highest rating from Charity Navigator for 15th consecutive year, and Urgent update regarding Kyiv International Rotary Club

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – October 2023

This month focuses on Warm Welcome Partnership, Rotary Foundation receives highest rating from the Charity Navigator for 15th consecutive year, Rotaty Foundation annual recognition of club contributions, Disaster Response Grants for Morocco, and Polio is fighting for its very survival.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – September 2023

This month focuses on PolioPlus Society, Bill Huntey Memorial 22nd Peace Seminar, Rotary Scholars arriving this onth, Contributions to the Annual Fund, What is a Rotary Cadre? and COP28 UN Climate Change Conference 2023

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – August 2023

This month focuses on Club Leaders, Projects creating hope in the world, Rotary webinars, Disaster Response Grants, Walk a Mile for End Polio Now, Rotary Peace Fellowships, Rotary Action summit Manchester and Monthly Rotary Themes.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – July 2023

This month focuses on Rotary Action Summit Manchester, Donations to Foundation via Payroll Giving, District Grant Projects in India, Rotary Club Lindum Lincoln Christmas Cards, End Polio Now Co-ordinator Elect, Walk a Mile for End Polio Now.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – June 2023

This month focuses on End Polio Now - end-of-year update, Rotary Action Summit, Last call for current year donations, Disaster Response Grants, Programme of Scale Grants - and much more.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – May 2023

This month focuses on Rotary Fellowships, Project Notice Board, District Assemblies, Donations, District Grant Applications, Disaster Respnse Grants, End Polio Now, District Response Network, and Updated Grant Terms & Conditions.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – April 2023

This month focuses on InFocus - Youth Exchange, Defibrillators, Personal Giving, Club Contributions to the Annual Fund, Endowment Fund, End Polio Now and Ask the Fotary Foundation.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – March 2023

This month focuses on Stop Mothers Dying, Rotary Magazine, Ukraine and Pakistan Donations and Grants, End Polio Now, Rotary Peace Fellowships, and Endowment and Major Gifts.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – February 2023

This month focuses on UKraine and Pakistan, Grants for Programmes in GB&I, Ask The Rotary Foundation, and Identify Rotary Peace Fellowship Candidates.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – January 2023

This month focuses on Rotary Peace Centres, Rotary Foundation UK Trustees, Impact of our support in Ukraine, End Polio Now and Ask The Rotary Foundation.

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Rotary Foundation News – December 2022

This month focuses on The Road to Net Zero, Why donate to The Rotary Foundation flyer, Ukraine, DDF for Foundation Grants, Rotary Learning Centre, Rotary International Podcasts, Ask The Rotary Foundation, and Lindum Lincoln's Christmas Cards.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – November 2022

This month focuses on Disease Prevention & Treatment, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation commitment, Ask the Rotary Foundation, Grants, Disaster Response Grants - Ukraine,TRF: Doing Good in the World, Bill Huntley Memorial Peace Seminar 2022 and $2.6 Billion Pledged for Polio.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – October 2022

This month focuses on The Importance of Personal Giving, Ask the Rotary Foundation, Telling the Stories, Rotary Foundation at the Iceland Action Summit, Ukraine, Peace Fellows - Bradford Peace Conference and Polio.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – September 2022

This month focuses on Community Economic Development, Disaster Response Fund - Ukraine and Pakistan, Peace Fellows at Bradford University, Polio, and Christmas puddings and cards.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – August 2022

This month focuses on Basis Education and Literacy, Support for Ukraine, Personal Giving, Polio Report and Ordering your Purple Crocus Corms.

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Rotary Foundation News – July 2022

This month focuses on Support for Ukraine, Programs of Scale Grant, Grant Management Training, New Clubs, Personal Giving, Polio Report, Ordering your purple crocus corms and End Polio Now Christas Card 2022.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – June 2022

This month focuses on Telling Rotary's Story, Support for Ukraine, Donations, Paul Harris Fellowship, Polio Report, Crocus news update and Thanks to Olive Geddes.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – May 2022

This month focuses on InFocus Teamwork and success, Support for Ukraine, Rotaractors can apply for grants, Paul Harris Society and Polio Report.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – April 2022

This month focuses on Support for Ukraine, the Foundation Celebration Dinner, Polio Report, Volunteer Expo Live and Royary Peace Fellowships for which applications are now open.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – March 2022

This month focuses on Maternal & Child Health, More Donations Needed, Paul Harris Fellowships, Polio Report, Rotary Peace Fellowships and the Foundation Celebration Dinner.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – February 2022

This month focuses on Clean Water, Sanitation and Hygene, Paul Harris Fellowships, Bill Huntley Memorial 20th Peace Seminar, Rotary Grant successes, Polio Report and Foundation Celebration Dinner.

Read it all here.

Rotary Peace Centres News – February 2022

The 2023 Rotary Peace Fellowship application is now available. This fully funded fellowship provides peace and development leaders with the knowledge, skills, and networks they need in order to build peace globally.

Read it all here. 

Rotary Foundation News – January 2022

This month focuses on Polio Eradication, Meet Your Rotary International Coordinator Team, The Rotary Foundation receives 4-Star Rating for 13th consecutive year, What does The Rotary Foundation do? and Polio Report.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – December 2021

This month focuses on Protecting the Environment, Awards and Recognition for Rotarians' Donations, Polio Report, Christmas Cards for EndPolioNow, Recycling Fundraising Project and Amazon Smiles.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – November 2021

This month focuses on Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution, Rotaract participation in Rotary grants, Community Needs Assessments, Mercy Ships Virtual Event, Polio Report, How to Donate unwanted currenc and Amazon Smiles.

Read it all here.

Rotary Foundation News – October 2021

This month's focus is on Rotary Foundation Grants of Scale, Bradford Peace Fellowship programme, Guatemala Literacy Project and Polio Report - a wide range of topics.

Read it all here.

Rotary Peace Centres News – September 2021

Rotary marked International Day of Peace on 21st September, and we encourage all Rotary members to prioitize projects that improve the health, well-being, education and economic security of girls in their communities around the world. 

Read it all here. 

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