2022 01 Talk by Kate Taylor

Targeted Education team, West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service

GRIT Kate Taylor
GRIT Kate Taylor

Speaker - Kate Taylor - GRIT Talk to Rotary on 10th January 2022

 Kate is team leader for the Targeted Education Team with West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service. Their remit is to teach about the dangers of fire and the need for safety precautions such as smoke alarms etc. The talk concentrated on the area of her work dealing with young people.

 The team run 9 day courses spread over 3 weeks aimed at children from years 7 and 8 who are recommended for the course by teachers or other agencies. These children are those who appear to have an unhealthy fascination with fire, have had a traumatic experience with fire or are perhaps a little slow at learning, seem to be being marginalised and probably need a boost to their confidence.

 Although the main theme of the course is the dangers of fire, the benefits gained from team building, leadership exercises and a disciplined regime will surely help these children in future life.

 These courses are aimed at the lower middle ground pupils in an effort to encourage them to think more highly of themselves and realise that they can make something of themselves and can perhaps achieve a lot more than they think.

 A good project giving the children fire awareness and also a good comprehensive training of life skills.

Rob Doney


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GRIT Kate Taylor

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