2021 12 RYLA

Talk from RYLA candidate and Business M
Vice President Julian hands Ruby a Certificate
Vice President Julian hands Ruby a Certificate

What our candidate thought of RYLA

Ruby our 2021 RYLA candidate spoke to members before our Dinner Meeting on Monday 6th December 2021.

Ruby gave a splendidly confident, note free presentation. She was the youngest at 14 of the 48 attendees who were evenly split between the sexes. She emphasised: the way in which team building accomplished the various tasks including raft building amongst the multiple activities; the importance of presentational skills used in the feed-back at the end of each of the 6 days; the experience of making errors – “we went up Box Hill, all the other teams went down!”  In a paean of superlatives Ruby said, “Great week. Best-ever meet-ups. Super weather. Great teams. Great rooms, and accommodation. In the final presentation at the end, I sang with my friend Holly.”                                                    

During her talk members were so enthused that they called out question, after question - all of which were answered with aplomb by Ruby.

I am sure we all felt our investment in Ruby’s RYLA was repaid many times over.


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Vice President Julian hands Ruby a Certificate

2021-22 News from M&P

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