2021 11 Eddie Lintott's Legacy

Drama project with Midhurst Primary School


Eddie Lintott was a dedicated Rotarian who was particularly interested in supporting local schools. He was also regularly seen on the stage starring in many local productions so it was natural to use his legacy to develop a drama project for a local school.  

The Rotary club approached the Outreach Education Department at Chichester theatre and it was arranged for them to work with pupils at Stedham and Midhurst Primary Schools. This term, Richard Knowles, Education Projects Manager at the Theatre ran sessions with Year 6 (10/11 year olds) at Midhurst Primary.  The theme chosen was ‘How to make the world a better place’. Rotarians were invited to the school together with Eddie’s daughters, Julia and Caroline, to see the culmination of their work. Having run through warming up exercise the five groups swapped their work with others who then performed that piece – was sufficient detail included in the writing to enable correct interpretation. Lastly each group performed their own scripts with feedback from their peers. It was a very enjoyable session, both for the pupils and the audience. 

Richard was helped by an Education Apprentice Riley Stroud. Last year the Education Project team from Chichester theatre reached out to 176,000 people – up on the normal 80,000 a year due to the fact contact had to be on line rather than in person.

The children had clearly benefitted from the workshops under Richard’s guidance, gaining confidence as well as developing their writing skills and working cooperatively . It was agreed that it was an extremely successful project.  Eddie would have been delighted!


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Acting on stage at Chichester Festival Theatre

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