Teaching English to refugees in Ayrshire.
Kate Sangster treated The Rotary Club of Prestwick to an excellent talk on teaching English to refugees in Ayrshire. Kate is head of adult literacy at South Ayrshire Council. There are lots of people in Ayrshire with no core skills in reading and writing. These include Afghan, and other refugees, who benefit greatly from the input of volunteers, willing to take on a teaching role.
Volunteers also benefit from the challenge, and satisfaction, of helping others. To date Kate has over 70 trained volunteers on her books, but the demand is such that she is always looking for more. Ayrshire is a very welcoming community,
Anyone interested in getting involved should phone Kate on 07976080215. The picture shows Kate Sangster left, with Prestwick Rotarians - Andy Mathieson. Lorraine McEvoy, and Adnan Soojeri. Lindsay Smith offered a hearty vote of thanks for a very interesting, and entertaining, presentation from Kate.