2021 09 Super Sleuths

Initiative with Primary School Pupils

Super Sleuths meet their mystery people
Super Sleuths meet their mystery people


Back in January 2021 Midhurst & Petworth Rotary Club were approached by Easebourne Primary school to see if any of our members  would be interested in taking part in an initiative linking school children, Super Sleuths, to individual Rotarians. The idea was for the pupils to email Rotarians asking for details about their lives so the pupils could end up writing a biography of their contact.

At the time the pupils were mostly in Yr 6 at the Primary School.Although the idea had been for the pupils to write their biographies and invite their mystery persons to the school before the end of the school summer term Covid made this impossible.  Luckily during this Autumn term Johnny Culley organised a Tea Party to which pupils, some now at Midhurst Rother College, could meet their mystery person and show them  the biographies.  It was exciting to meet our correspondents while being served plenty of cups of tea and cake by the Head Master! I personally just loved meeting the young people and was impressed by a group  who wanted to tell me about their parts in a debating competition. A superb initiative.

Helen Chapman

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Super Sleuths meet their mystery people

2021-22 News from M&P

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