Prestwick Rotarians were treated to a talk from District Governor Betty
McDonald. Betty is a past President and Secretary of Greenock Rotary
Club. She has also been an assistant District Governor for 3 years.
Nigel Lawrie, on behalf of Prestwick Rotary Club congratulated Betty,
and wished her well in her new District Governor role.
The 1230 District
Rotary theme this year is 'to serve to change lives'. Betty outlined
various challenges, which include promoting and retaining membership,
and protecting the environment.. Discussion centred on how Rotary might
go ahead with environmental protection, and also what structural changes
could happen in District 1230, in the future.
Further discussion took
place on the merits, or otherwise, of zoom meetings, compared with
meeting in a venue. Betty mentioned the District conference to be held
in The Golden Jubilee Hotel, Clydebank, in the first weekend in October.
The programme is environmentally centred, with many interesting
speakers. A good turn-out is anticipated.
Chairman Stephen Cooper offered Betty a hearty vote of thanks for a very interesting update on District activities.
back This section details the weekly talks at the club and have ranged widely from mindfulness to charity work, health, model making, favourite objects, music and gardening.