2021 09 08

John Fitch

Presentation on ‘Falling Human Fertility’ by John Fitch.

Monday 9th August 2021.


Our very own Rotarian, John Fitch gave an interesting and very informative presentation on ‘Falling Human Fertility’ based on recent research and the book entitled ‘Count Down’ by Dr Shanna Swan which paints a bleak but important picture about how chemicals in our environment, in particular pesticides as well as lifestyle are disrupting hormonal balance and causing varying degrees of reproductive issues. John dealt with recent research on frogs and the effects of pesticides, the results of which are causing significant reproductive problems to the frogs.       .                                                                                                                                                                   The presentation certainly opened up our eyes on the effects of chemicals, lifestyle and the environment on how it affects fertility and reproduction and how it will potentially affect the birth rate around the world in future years. .                                                               

At the conclusion of John’s presentation several questions were raised which sparked a lively  debate both positive and negative on the use of pesticides for plant production against the effects on human reproduction.

John Sexton.

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