Family Quiz for charity at the Baron in Bucknell

Fri, Nov 12th 2021 at 7:15 pm - 9:30 pm

We resumed our regular twice yearly quizzes tonight with Quizmaster extraordinaire Paul Barrett at the helm.

We were delighted to welcome ten teams of 4 tonight, with some familiar faces and some new ones. Welcome to you all.   

This was an enjoyable evening, as always, but the questions were even more challenging than in previous years and if you did not know about Harry Potter you missed out on some answers! Of the 80 questions the highest score was 43, an indicator of the challenge. 

However everyone was very generous with the raffle, the food was acceptable and the atmosphere convivial. We raised 234 for our charitable efforts in our local community, including both air ambulances. 

Many thanks Paul for all your hard work in preparing for this quiz - just maybe a few easier questions for those not quite as well informed as others....!