Summer Solstice walk

Mon, Jun 21st 2021 at 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Club members joined the Walking Together 'Couch to Out and About' Group on a walk to Hartshead Pike to celebrate the Summer Solstice on 21st June 2021

Rotary Club members Ian Cochrane and Jan Jackson at the top of Hartshead Pike with local resident Dave Ryan, Karen Rees-Unwin from The Big Local and Councillor Adrian Pearce and his partner Christine Beardman.
Rotary Club members Ian Cochrane and Jan Jackson at the top of Hartshead Pike with local resident Dave Ryan, Karen Rees-Unwin from The Big Local and Councillor Adrian Pearce and his partner Christine Beardman.

President Elect Ian Cochrane explained that the Walking Together, walking and creative arts project provides opportunities for participants to walk together and link their walking experiences with creative arts such as photography or creative writing.  Its project 'Couch to Out and About' initiative is aimed at encouraging people over 50 in Stalybridge to remain or become active. Funding for this project was secured by The Big Local through an Age Friendly grant from Tameside Public Health.  The Big Local is a regeneration project covering 4 areas of Stalybridge.

Ian says:

'As a keen walker myself I know just how beneficial exercise can be for health and well-being and so I was delighted to get involved as a volunteer walk leader.  Our regular walks of about four and a half miles take place on Tuesday mornings.  However, we organisers are conscious that not everyone is available to enjoy our regular walks and so we decided to organise the summer solstice evening walk so that people unavailable during the day could also get involved.  The evening was a great success and we're now busy planning another evening walk later on in the summer.

Ian CochraneContact Ian Cochrane about this page:

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