International Music Concert 2021

We were invited by Lorenzo Gallo of Alba club in Italy to attend a concert by the Amateur Orc hestra of Catalonia arranged by the Rotary Club of Sant Cugat in aid of the workshop Jeroni de Moragas, supporting people with mental or developmental disorders

International Rotary United To

 The Sound of Music

"Dear Rotarian Friends - I inform you that on April 18th, 2021 at 18:00 at the Auditorium Theatre of Sant Cugat, our twin Rotary Club of Sant Cugat del Vallès will celebrate the 14th charity concert “Música per la Solidaritat”.  All club members are invited to attend virtually."  This was the invite which our club, along with the other clubs in our Double Triangular group of six Rotary Clubs, received at the end of March from Lorenzo Gallo of Alba club in Italy. 

Lorenzo passed on the invitation from the Rotary Club of Sant Cugat to connect and participate in a concert by the “Orquestra Diletant De Catalunya” at the Teatre Auditori de Sant Cugat Del Vallès.  Voluntary donations of Euro 15 were requested, payable to the Rotary Club of Sant Cugat del Vallès all of which will go to the “Taller Jeroni de Moragas”,

The Jeroni de Moragas Workshop

This social cooperative is a workshop and organisation that has been operating in Sant Cugat del Vallès since 1973, catering for people with mental or developmental disorders.  It takes care of, protects, and reintegrates people with these disabilities into the world of work and it tries to improve their quality of life, and searching out any opportunities for them. 

It has had a very beneficial social impact, both in the area of social service, and in employment.

The Amateur Orchestra of Catalunya

It was formed with the aim of promoting quality musical practice outside the professional music field.  It aims to bring together lovers of classical music with the aim of sharing a musical experience. The project is an important contribution to the presence and enjoyment of classical music among Catalans and is led and executed by internationally renowned professionals.

New Audiences

This year, due to COVID-19, the concert could only be seen in the theatre in person by limited numbers, but it was also available online over YouTube, on the Cugatmedia channel, and on the radio and public television of the municipality website -

This concert crossed borders and was available to all Rotarians in the club’s district, in Europe and around the world.

Excellent Evening

The evening started at 5pm BST with an introduction by the official presenter of the event, Ester Castañer, who reviewed the amounts raised by all previous 13 concerts, totalling Euro 112,000, and reviewed all the worthy and different charities which had benefited.  This year’s fourteenth concert was expected to raise over Euro 7,000 for the “Jeroni de Moragas” Workshop.

There followed a brief speech by Josep Americh, President of the Rotary Club of Sant Cugat, and then by Mireia Ingla, mayor of the city, before the concert started.

It was an excellent and enjoyable concert featuring the above “amateur” orchestra of Catalonia, with Patrícia de No from Sant Cugat as the flute soloist.  They performed works by Mozart, under the baton of the Italian conductor Marzio Conti.

It was a thoroughly entertaining and beautiful concert.

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Amateur Orchestra of Catalonia

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