Irvine Seagate Rotary held their Annual General Meeting by Zoom on Monday. It was noted that despite lockdown and meeting restrictions, the club had continued to be active and had supported various community initiatives including Barnardos Christmas Toy appeal, the Christmas trees at the Portal, and various local charities and activities. Internationally, the Rotary promoted Polio eradication campaign continues with urgency, as there are just two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan where the disease still has a hold and it is important to prevent it spreading back to other countries.
Office bearers for the coming year will be President Hugh Hutchison, Secretary Andy Slater, Treasurer Billy Dickson, and Committee Conveners Eric Greig, Jim Anderson, Sanchana Senanayake and Pasan Gooneratne. With the continuing uncertainty about the timing and extent of lifting restrictions, meetings will continue to be held on line every two weeks until further notice.